Women visiting our nutrition program. Luckily, because of a good rainy season, we are seeing fewer Severely malnourished children right now. However, some of the really isolated pastoralist women were bringing children who were in poor health.

Meeting with the Baraday elders. Elders are always men and hold the primary decision making powers in the community.

A shallow gully filled with silt from the last rains. Erosion is one of the biggest problems for communities when the rains arrive. Gullies are often caused by cars to carve a track for roads. For a while, a particular track is used. After a time, someone takes a detour and others follow creating a new road through the plains and bush. The old roads, packed with sand and furrows, become gullies.

This compound is owned by the Mariwow, the most respected woman in the clan. She acts as a representative for the women holds meetings every 14 days or so to discuss the issues facing the community with a number of other respected women in the community. Women are primarily involved in issues of social development.

View from my little mattress set up under a mosquito net first thing in the morning. Yes, I sleep with my camera sometimes.

Long, bumpy road ahead... and this is a smooth part! Luckily I got to sit in the front on the 10+ hour drive back... although I had an abrasion and bruising on my right collar bone from my seatbelt on the bumpy ride.

Trying to catch the cloud of red dust left in our wake.

Our chariot awaits.
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