Wednesday, February 3, 2010

If I were a bicycle tire, I'd be flat already

Six needles in as many days could potentially leave a person rather flat. I'm not quite there yet, but it's close. Today I had the last (most probably) two vaccinations before I leave. The rumour is true: the tetanus/diphtheria vaccine takes its tole. The soreness in my left arm after the Yellow Fever shot was nothing compared to the sore/tenderness my left arm is experiencing with the DiTe vaccine. This means I had to bare a cheek to get the sixth needle. The typhus vaccine went into the right arm, which until further notice has yet to react to being injected with a vaccine, and the Hepatitis A vaccine met my right gluteus maxius.

In the subletting department, we're two steps away from making a decision. Three brave souls weathered the storm (which turned out to be mostly a figment of the media's imagination) to take a look at our humble abode yesterday. Two others will show up tonight for their casting calls. Finding someone to babysit my room while I'm gone will sure make sleeping at night a little easier, or at least give me one less thing to worry about.

This winter weather that's been hanging over Denmark seems especially harsh when I know what's waiting for me on the other end of a long plane ride next week. Not owning winter boots doesn't make it any easier to cope. In the battle to keep my feet dry, my rubber boots have won over a warm boot and plastic bag combo, however waiting for a bus for over 40 minutes can make me reconsider my choice of footwear. My primary/middle school principal used to make frequent announcements over the school speakers about the importance of appropriate footwear. If this was fifth grade, I'm sure I would have been reprimanded by now. It's possible someone would have sent a note home too.

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