Friday, February 12, 2010

My visa showed up today!

The big news today is that my travel documents (visa papers stuck on a page in my passport) arrived in the mail today.

I picked it up at the post office this afternoon and popped by the pharmacy while I was out. I'm in the process of hoarding possible items of use on for my trip. I went to pick up my malaria pills, but they didn't have the mega pack in stock. Instead I came home with a few pharmaceuticals that could come in handy while down south. They've ordered my malaria pills for tomorrow, but I paid for them today while I was stocking up on goods anyway. I'm telling you, this little adventure definitely doesn't come cheap. Between the visa, vaccinations and other pharmaceuticals, stockpiling personal hygiene items and the like, I've invested quite a bit in preparation for take off.

Now, I just need an airline ticket and I'm off. As for when that will happen, your guess is as good as mine.

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