Monday, February 1, 2010

Sore again

Today I was in for my Hepatitis B and Diphtheria/Tetanus vaccination. I was 10 minutes late for the appointment after the universe decided it needed to stress me out more this week by ensuring a late bus in the morning, a broken down bus on the way to the doc’s office, and another broken down bus on the way home. Yikes! Let’s hope the busses are running normally tomorrow.

My room is almost all packed away. A few clothes to get me through the next week (I should be leaving in about 7-10 days!) and a few pictures are still hanging on the walls. My clever brother who is visiting suggested that leaving them up might make it look more homey when people come to view the room/apartment tomorrow. And right he is. I can’t imagine bare walls already. I’m not that ready yet.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, is the big meet-potential-subletter-day. I’ve four prospects lined up for sure, and one maybe. Hopefully one of them is a good match and my room will be taken good care of and roommates can sleep easy at night.

The next question is now, who is going to take care of Walter, my Siamese fighting fish, for the next six months? I went on holiday for two weeks this fall and he barely ate the pellets my roommates had dropped in his BiOrb. Any one in Copenhagen want to bond with Walter (Cronkite) for the next six months?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Miriam, we can take Walter....In fact I think he would love it here. The kids would love to have him here...If you are not back from Africa before we go to the Netherlands, Helle could take over, or we can even adopt him and export him to the Hague. Is that an idea...